King of the Hill is an American animated sitcom created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels for the Fox Broadcasting Company that ran from January 12, 1997, to May 6, 2010. It centers on the Hills, a middle-class American family in the fictional city of Arlen, Texas. Patriarch and main character Hank Hill, who works as assistant manager at Strickland Propane, is the everyman and general protagonist of the series. His modest conservative views and biases often clash with that of his wife, Peggy; his son, Bobby; his father, Cotton; his niece, Luanne; his boss, Buck Strickland; and his neighbor, Kahn. Hank is friends with other residents on his block, especially Bill Dauterive, Dale Gribble, and Jeff Boomhauer, all of whom he has known since elementary school. It attempts to maintain a realistic approach, seeking humor in the conventional and mundane aspects of everyday life.
aired from: Jan 1997 to: Sep 2009
255 eps
Fox (US)
30 min
Mike Judge as the voice of Hank Hill / Boomhauer
Kathy Najimy as the voice of Peggy Hill
Pamela Segall as the voice of Bobby Hill
Brittany Murphy as the voice of Luanne Platter
Breckin Meyer as the voice of Joseph Gribble
Johnny Hardwick as the voice of Dale Gribble
Stephen Root as the voice of Bill Dauterive
Toby Huss as the voice of Cotton Hill
Ashley Gardner as the voice of Nancy Gribble
David Herman as the voice of Buckley / Eustis
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13